International Trademark AssociationThis is the pre-eminent organization of trademark owners in the world, with membership that includes over 4000 companies from 150 nations. To learn more about INTA, visit its website. Julia is the Chair of the Special Projects Subcommittee of INTA's Trademark Administrators Committee for 2002-2003. Before that, she was a member of INTA's Trademark Management Committee. In the Spring of 2003, INTA President Kathryn Barrett Park named Rod to the INTA Select Committee on the U.S. Federal Trademark Dilution Act. Rod is one of fifteen "highly experienced practitioners" who will formulate recommended changes to federal dilution law. For more details, click here to see INTA's press release. Rod is also a member of INTA's U.S. Legislation Subcommittee for 2002-2003, which is actively involved in legislative issues in Washington, DC. Prior to that, he was for four years the Chair of the Emerging Issues Subcommittee of INTA's Issues and Policy Committee. Described as the organization's "think tank," this subcommittee formulated recommendations for INTA policy on matters of substantive trademark law worldwide. Among many other issues tackled, Rod's subcommittee initiated a project which led to the legislation passed by Congress in 1999 making dilution a ground for opposition and cancellation in the USPTO. His team also designed and initiated a world-wide brief amicus program for INTA (which had previously only filed amicus briefs in the U.S.), and formulated a recommendation, adopted by the Board of Directors of INTA in November 2001, endorsing the concept of specialized judges for trademark cases. Click here to see the report on this development from INTA's Bulletin. Click here to see a profile of the subcommittee which appeared in the September 1, 2001, issue of INTA's Bulletin. who we are | what we do | how we do things | credentials | resources | contact us © 2001, 2003 Enns & Archer LLP |